Board of Directors and Management
Meet the Board
Christian Sagild
Chairman of the Board and of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, member of the Audit and Risk Committee.
Christian joined the Board of Directors in 2018. Chairman since 2018. Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and member of the Audit and Risk Committee. Christian has a financial background with an education as actuary from the University of Copenhagen and has had a long career within the insurance and pension industries. Christian was employed with Topdanmark from 1996 to 2018, acting as CEO from 2009 to 2018. Former directorships: Board member of Danske Bank A/S (2021-03), Royal Unibrew A/S (2024-04) and Ambu A/S (2024-12), Chairman of Penneo A/S (2024-04).
Iben Mai Winsløw
Board member and member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.
Iben joined the Board of Directors in 2010. Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Commitee. Iben is a lawyer from the University of Copenhagen and has the right to appear before the High Court in Denmark. Iben is the founder and chairman of the board of Winsløw law firm company with expertise in real estate, commercial leasing and property development. Other management positions and directorships: Founder and Chairman of Winsløw Lawfirm, Chairman of Zeso Architects A/S and Zeso Alliance A/S. Chairman of Invensa ApS. Board member of Energifinans A/S, Core Property Bolig IV, and Windspace A/S.
Frank Schyberg
Board member and member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee.
Frank joined the Board of Directors in 2010. Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Commitee. Frank has a financial background from his career in the banking and insurance industries. Extensive knowledge within recruitment from his time as CEO of the Danish Career Institute and as Nordic Managing Director of Stepstone. Other management positions and directorships: CEO and co-owner of IQ Cooling ApS, Exec. Management in JOBCONSULTING ApS & JOBCONSULTING HOLDING ApS.
Vibeke Bak Solok
Board member and chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee.
Vibeke joined the Board of Directors in 2021. Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee. Vibeke has a finance and risk background, including an education as a state authorised public accountant. Vibeke is CEO of Lunar Bank A/S, was CFO of ATP Ejendomme, and has previously worked at Danske Bank as Executive Vice President of Group Financing and as COO of Group Risk Management. Vibeke is on the Board of DS Norden A/S and chairman of ARC. She spent 18 years with PwC in Denmark and Germany and was an audit partner from 2006 to 2013.
Christian Dulong Hoff
Board member and member of the Audit and Risk Committee
Christian joined the Board of Directors in 2021. Member of the Audit and Risk Committee. Christian has a career within energy, production and retail. He was CEO of 7-Eleven Denmark and former CEO of YX Energi (Hydro Texaco) in Denmark and Norway. Christian focuses on investments in long-term assets and scale-up companies. Other management positions and directorships: Chairman of Easytranslate A/S, Help Agency A/S, Gilleleje Park ApS and Board member of Semler Gruppen A/S, Dulong Fine Jewelry A/S, Comadso A/S and And Now You Sleep A/S.
Meet the Management
Nikolaj Holtet Hoff
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
With Nordic Solar since 2010. Nikolaj has 14 years of experience with solar energy as founder of Nordic Solar. Nikolaj has experience within M&A, development, strategy and leadership. Nikolaj is a member of Executive Management at Nordic Solar.
Anders Søgaard-Jensen
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
With Nordic Solar since 2012. Anders has 12 years of experience with solar energy, working for Nordic Solar. Anders’ capabilities cover investor relations, ESG, funding, sales, communication and marketing. Anders is a member of Executive Management at Nordic Solar.
Tina Mose
Chief People Officer (CPO)
With Nordic Solar since 2023. Tina has 18 years of experience of working with people & culture in different sectors including being HR Director at Falck and CHRO at LanguageWire and STARK sourcing. Tina’s capabilities cover organisational design, talent attraction, change management, scale-up, digitalisation, culture and PMI.
Holger Bang
Chief Investment Officer (CIO)
With Nordic Solar since 2017. Holger has 16 years of experience within the renewable energy industry, working as CIO at Nordic Solar and European Energy. Holger’s capabilities cover M&A and project development, structured and project finance as well as energy storage. Holger is a member of Executive Management at Nordic Solar.
Volkan Cebe
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
With Nordic Solar since 2021. Volkan has close to 20 years of experience within power generation and infrastructure industry. Volkan has capabilities within engineering, procurement, contract management, construction, operations, business development & implementation within renewable energy environment.
Patrik Vilhelm Setterberg
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
With Nordic Solar since 2025. Patrik has extensive experience from the energy sector with 8 years of senior positions within Finance at Vestas and most recently comes from a position as CFO at Vestas Development. Patrik has a solid financial background and many years of experience with strategic planning, valuation, reporting, forecasting, financial compliance, portfolio management, tax and corporate structure.
Tim Gadatsch
Chief Legal Officer (CLO), Rechtsanwalt, LL.M.
With Nordic Solar since 2018. Tim has 11 years of experience with solar energy, working as CLO at Nordic Solar and Senior Legal Manager at European Energy. Tim’s capabilities cover legal M&A, and he has been part of several multimillion-euro deals across Europe.
Our Business
Solar Energy is Our Business
The energy transition is more important than ever. At Nordic Solar, we have made it our business to add more renewable energy to the energy system. We develop, construct and operate utility-scale solar parks in European growth markets.