Flowers and bee at solar park


Impact. People. Energy.

Making a Positive Impact Together

Tackling the global climate crisis requires a shift to renewable energy sources. That is why our mission centres on making solar energy accessible and beneficial for all. Equally important to us is our commitment to integrating responsible business practices throughout of our own operations and value chain. We invite all our employees and business partners to actively participate in this work, believing that together, we can create positive impact and drive a responsible energy transformation.

Engaging with local communities

We are committed to being a trusted partner in the local communities where we operate. Recently, we have collaborated with schools in Denmark and Lithuania, each with a unique focus. At Midtfyns Gymnasium the purpose of the visit was to provide the students taking the natural science program with the opportunity to see the local solar park from the inside, gaining an insight into how a solar park works. At Moletai Progymnasium we led a hands-on workshop on biodiversity, where students built insect hotels for their school and the local solar park.

Partnering with local schools allows us to use our presence in local communities for more than renewable energy production. We look forward to engaging with more local communities in the coming years

ESG Employee Advisory Board

We recently introduced an ESG Employee Advisory Board, where dedicated employees from across the organisation come together to gain knowledge and share ideas on ESG. This voluntary role gives members the chance to contribute to Nordic Solar’s ESG efforts and drive positive change.

Two employees speaking and drinking coffee
While solar energy is a renewable resource that contributes to a world without fossil fuels, the way we harness this energy is also important. We take responsibility for the impact we have on our own operation as well as on our supply chain - acknowledging the continuous need for improvement.

Mette Just Elkjær,

Director of Impact & ESG

Consultant explaining biodiversity to employee

Working With Biodiversity

We actively participate in the design, development and construction processes of our solar parks. This allows us to work directly with local biologists to assess existing ecosystems and implement plans that aim to support local fauna and flora.

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

ESG is an integrated part of Nordic Solar’s business strategy. We work actively with our ESG impacts, risks and opportunities to mitigate negative impacts and increase positive impacts in our business operations and across our value chain. We are a member of the UN Global Compact and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as part of an overarching framework to give meaning and direction to our ESG efforts.

In addition to the SDGs, we also strive to adhere to the following international policy frameworks:

• The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

• The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

• The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

• The International Bill of Human Rights

For more information, please see the Annual Report 2023.

At Nordic Solar, we are committed to expanding access to solar energy across Europe, helping to achieve SDG 7.

As demand for solar energy grows, so does the need for land to build solar parks. We recognise that developing, constructing and operating solar parks can impact the land and surrounding ecosystems. To address this, we began designing our solar parks with a focus on biodiversity in 2022. By preserving and restoring some of the natural elements from the native ecosystem in the design of our parks, we aim to contribute to the objectives of SDG 15.

SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 15: Life on Land

For more information, please see the Annual Report 2023.

At Nordic Solar, we are focused on building a collaborative culture and an inclusive workplace where everyone feels welcome and empowered to make a difference. Our commitment to SDG 5 is reflected in our efforts to promoting gender equity and empowerment for all.

Additionally, in alignment with the objective of SDG 8, we strive to promote responsible business practices that prioritise fair labour practices, decent work for all and contribute to sustainable economic development across our value chain. We believe that tackling these cross-industry challenges is most effective through collaboration at both national and international levels. By working together, we can improve working conditions for those across the value chain. We support this approach by actively collaborating with peers through our industry associations.

SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Explore Our Culture

Our Responsible Business Conduct Policy form the foundation for the way we conduct our business and guide our daily work.We focus on ensuring transparency, thorough documentation and effective risk management across our value chain. In line with SDG 12, we work towards fostering a responsible supply chain. A key element of this commitment is our Supplier Code of Conduct, which outlines the standards and expectations we uphold for our suppliers.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

For more information, please see the Annual Report 2023.

Two people walking at a solar park


Nordic Solar's Annual and Quarterly Reports

Access our range of annual and quarterly reports, as well as investor presentations and in-depth webinars with management presenting financial results and portfolio developments.

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