

Corporate Governance

Strong corporate governance is an integral component of how Nordic Solar operates. As we grow our business, it becomes increasingly important to uphold strong governance practices and responsible business conduct across our organisation. We want to ensure that our value creation is aligned with long-term shareholder interests, applicable national and international regulation as well as a responsible business conduct matching our values.


Corporate Oversight

Shareholder oversight and general meeting
Shareholders of Nordic Solar exercise their rights and vote at the annual general meeting, which is the supreme governing body of Nordic Solar. Decisions adopted at the annual general meeting, such as the election of the Board of Directors and any changes made to the company’s Articles of Association are adopted in accordance with Danish rules and regulations.

Board and management oversight
Nordic Solar A/S has a two-tier management system in which the Board of Directors and the Executive Management team are responsible for the company’s affairs. No persons hold dual membership of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management team. The Executive Management team is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Group, while the Board of Directors supervises the work of the Executive Management team and is responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the company.




Part of the Board of Directors’ work is divided into specific areas to allow for delegated focus and responsibility in support of Management and the annual plan of activities. Each committee has a charter, which sets out the committee’s purpose, responsibilities and procedural matters.

Read more about our committees
Board of directors