Press release

Nordic Solar initiates construction of its largest solar park in Sweden

Nordic Solar has just started the construction of Hultsfred solar park, which is the company’s largest solar park in Sweden to date with a capacity of 92 MWp


solar panels

The solar park is expected to be connected to the Swedish electricity grid at the end of 2025, at which point it will produce 100 GWh annually, which corresponds to supplying approx. 26,600 European households a year with electricity.

Hultsfred solar park is Nordic Solar's second largest solar park to date. The company plans to establish several large-scale solar parks in Sweden and has collectively projects of more than 600 MWp in its development portfolio.

“Sweden is one of our neighbouring countries and an important country for us to invest in. We see both enormous potential and a need to strengthen the deployment of renewable energy in Sweden, and here our portfolio of planned projects will make a difference. Our project in Hultsfred highlights how Sweden's sunlit regions play a key role in promoting solar energy in the Nordic countries. We are therefore very pleased to start the construction of our second solar park in Sweden now, which is also the largest we have built in the country to date,” says Nikolaj Holtet Hoff, CEO of Nordic Solar.

Hultsfred solar park will be part of the largest grid connection of solar energy in Sweden to date

The Hultsfred solar park will be connected to the Swedish electricity grid via a new large transformer substation close to the solar park, which E.ON Sweden has just begun constructing and at which Nordic Solar helped to turn the first sod at the end of April. The new large transformer substation in Hultsfred will be responsible for the connection of several solar park projects, which together amount to a capacity of close to 200 MWp, of which the Nordic Solar project accounts for 92 MWp. The Hultsfred solar park will thus become part of the largest connection of solar parks to the electricity grid in Sweden to date.

In addition to the construction in Hultsfred, Nordic Solar is building its first solar park in Sweden, the Lindesberg solar park, which has a capacity of 22 MWp. With the two projects, the company is now building 114 MWp of the more than 600 MWp in the Swedish development portfolio, which consists of both its own project development and projects in cooperation with the Swedish solar park developer Helios Nordic Energy AB, including Lindesberg solar park and Hultsfred solar park.

Nordic Solar participated in the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the new transformer substation in Hultsfred in April 2024.
Nordic Solar participated in the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the new transformer substation in Hultsfred in April 2024.